April 23, 2011

I've Moved!!

My new blog is located here: Pardoxical Gypsy  Hope to see you there!!
Thanks for following.

March 4, 2011

Busy, busy, busy

So the good news is that I'm back in the studio today with several "mini psyche's" under way. A bit of a challenge since my studio itself isn't completely unpacked yet, kind of making the whole process a bit of treasure hunt, but very exciting when I accidentally stumble upon just the right tidbit.

Recently got back from New Orleans and now getting ready for ArtFest next month where I'll be teaching a couple of classes on both my layered collage and illustration/painting techniques.

New Orleans was fantastic, well here, see for yourself....the best review of the trip you're gonna get is from my beau and travel partner extraordinaire Michael deMeng. I could tell you all about it, but truly, he does a much better job (and he had the camera...).

I'll leave you with a quick New Orleans voodoo inspired sketch for now, and more from the studio later...
